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Brauns TC, Wundenberg J, Goos M, Hillen U: Airborne contact dermatitis: Aktualisierte Literaturrecherche, Z Hautkr 2001; 75, 718
Brauns TC, Franckson T, Hillen U, Goos M, Hengge UR: Köbner Phänomen bei Pityriasis rubra pilaris, Z Hautkr 2002; 77, 195-197.
Brauns TC, Schultewolter TH, Dissemond J, Maschke J, Wigge C, Nolte A, Schröder M, Goos M: C-KIT Expression in cutanen T-Zell Lymphomen, Z Hautkr 2002; 77, 616
Brauns TC, Goos M: Mikromanipulation von Tupfpräparaten ist eine alternative zur Laser-Mikrodissektion, Z Hautkr 2002; 77, 617
Brauns TC, Maschke J, Dissemond J, Rudel HP, Goos M: MGUS-Syndrom bei Mycosis fungoides, Z Hautkr 2002; 77, 617
Dissemond J, Witthoff M, Brauns TC, Goos M: Untersuchung zum pH-Wert des Milieus chronischer Wunden im Rahmen einer modernen Wundtherapie, Z Hautkr 2002; 77, 616
Brauns TC, Goos M: Micromanipulation of single cells from tissue imprints is an alternative to laser assisted microdissection, Arch Dermatol Res 2003, 294, 464
Brauns TC, Schultewolter T, Dissemond J, Goos M: C-KIT Expression in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, Arch Dermatol Res 2003, 294, 497
Dissemond J, Schneider LA, Wlaschek M, Brauns TC, Goos M, Scharffetter-Kochanek K: The lazaroid tirilazad is a new inhibitor of direct and indirect UV-A induced lipid peroxidation in human dermal fibroblasts, Arch Dermatol Res 2003, 294, 493
Dissemond J, Schultewolter T, Brauns TC, Goos M, Wagner SN: Venous ulcer crurum in Klinefelder`s syndrome associated with increased activity of plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI-1) Acta Dermatol Venerol 2003, 83, 149
Dissemond J, Schneider LA, Wlaschek M, Brauns TC, Goos M, Scharffetter-Kochanek K: Prooxidative Interaktion zwischen neutrophilen Granulozyten und dermalen fibroblasten in einem in vitro Modell für chronische Wunden, ZWF Sonderband: 19
Brauns TC, Goos M: Micromanipulation of single cells from tissue imprints is an alternative to laser assisted microdissection, J Cutan Pathol
Brauns TC, Schultewolter T, Dissemond J, Goos M: C-KIT Expression in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, J Cutan Pathol J Cutan Pathol. 2004, 31:577-82.

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